Northland Tool at the Hardinge Open House 2017

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Jesse Riccardi General Manager
Northland Tool at the Hardinge Open House 2017

We work closely with machine tool manufactures to keep up with the newest technology being used in today’s spindles. We are at the Hardinge open house showcasing our spindle repair services and rolling out our newest product the Lion Spindle Check System. Find out exactly what your spindle is doing at the point of tool contact. How round of a hole can you produce, how flat can you make a surface, what spindle speed will give me the best results, can all be answered within minutes with Spindle Check. Make sure you stop by our booth and check this out! Don’t forget to say hi to Givin!

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Jesse Riccardi General Manager

With over 15 years of spindle rebuilding experience, training, and shop management, Jesse specializes in partnering with industry leaders to advance and improve the precision machine service market.

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