
Omlat 103909 Spindle Repair

The Omlat 103909 is an Italian-made,grease-lubricated, stator driven spindle that operates at up to 24,000 rpm with HSK 63 tooling taper.

Omlat 103909 Spindle Repair


Our customer reported that their machine crashed and the spindle made contact with the table and workpiece. When we received the spindle the bearings were noisy and turned roughly when rotated by hand. Further inspection revealed that the grease had degraded in the ceramic bearings, and the spring pack spacer had rubout damage. The actuator did not function, and the shaft had rubbed out on the rear of the drawbar causing minor damage to both.The HSK-63 gripper fingers and ejector pin had light wear but were deemed acceptable to reuse as-is. Testing of the stator (field) showed resistance to ground and failed insulation continuity test.

Omlat 103909 Spindle Repair


The following actions were performed for this Omlat 103909 spindle repair:

  • Rework the physical damage to the actuator shaft, drawbar & spring pack spacer
  • Rewind the stator
  • Replace sealed ceramic bearings, Belleville washers, o-rings and assembly screws

Note: The OEM designed this spindle with oversized bearing journals, so the bearings are installed without preload



After reassembly of all components, adjusting bearing preload, and undergoing break-in and testing procedures, this spindle passed our final quality inspection before being returned to our customer with a 1-year warranty.


  • contact-damage-spindle

    Damage from contact with table and workpiece

  • omlat-stator-spindle

    Testing revealed that the motor stator needed to be rewound

  • degraded-grease-bearings-spindle

    Grease in bearing exhibited visible degradation

  • draw-tube-spindle

    Drawbar tube contained debris

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