The Bridgeport Torq-Cut 22 is a smaller CNC vertical machining center. It comes fitted with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,500 rpm.
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Daewoo ACE V35 Spindle Repair
The Daewoo ACE V35 is a CNC vertical machining center equipped with pallet changer for high production work. It comes equipped with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,000 rpm.
Our customer indicated that they noticed vibration in this vertical machining center spindle during operation, and that the bearings felt gritty when the spindle was rotated by hand. We noted that the bearings were in fact very noisy and felt rough when rotated in assembly incoming. Upon disassembly we observed that the spindle interior was full of a black sludge. Despite having a complement of sealed bearings, this contaminant had washed out most of the grease and what was left was severely degraded. But there was another factor in the failure of this spindle, which turned up in our full dimensional evaluation of the major spindle components. The vibration our customer had noticed was due to the excessive wear and runout (>60µm) we measured on the pulley journal of the shaft. This condition in turn likely caused significant fretting damage to the 60mm rear bearing journal. We also noted that the #40 tooling taper ID and the tool retention gripper fingers were in relatively poor condition.
The following actions were performed on this Daewoo ACE V35 spindle:
- Clean all parts of the spindle
- Replace all bolts, o-rings, and bellevilles
- Replace gripper fingers
- Replace bearings
- Grind-chrome plate-finish grind (GPG) the pulley journal and 60mm rear bearing journal
- Kiss grind the #40 ID tooling taper
After reassembly of all components, adjusting bearing preload, and undergoing break-in and testing procedures, this spindle passed our final quality inspection before being returned to our customer with a 1-year warranty.
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Repair History - Here are examples of similar spindle repairs that may contain additional information that will help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
OD grinding — or outside diameter grinding — is a cornerstone of precision manufacturing, where exact specifications and flawless surface finishes are essential.
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