The Bridgeport Torq-Cut 22 is a smaller CNC vertical machining center. It comes fitted with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,500 rpm.
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Brother TC-S2DN Spindle Repair
The Brother TC-S2DN is a compact vertical machining center used mainly in the automobile industry. It comes equipped with a belt driven, grease lubricated spindle capable of running up to 10,000 RPM.
This is an example of the type of spindle which does not come to us as a complete cartridge, but as a shaft with bearings and in this case, a drawbar. Because we are not supplied with the bearing housing, we cannot test run the spindle. It is imperative that we use replacement bearings with an appropriate speed rating, especially in this situation.
Despite not being able to run up a shaft with bearings, we are able to insure that the dimensional tolerances of the bearing journals & tooling taper are within ISO or OEM specifications. We can typically also determine if tool retention force is within the specified range. In the case of this spindle, the bearing journals were in spec but the taper had significant damage and excessive runout. We were able to employ our Kellenberger 1000U to grind, hard chrome plate, and finish grind the taper to correct this. We reassembled the spindle with new bearings, o-rings & 5mm gripper balls, set the bearing preload and then it was off to the customer.
After reassembly of all components, adjusting bearing preload, and undergoing testing procedures, this spindle passed our final quality inspection before being returned to our customer with a 1-year warranty.
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Repair History - Here are examples of similar spindle repairs that may contain additional information that will help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
OD grinding — or outside diameter grinding — is a cornerstone of precision manufacturing, where exact specifications and flawless surface finishes are essential.
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