The Bridgeport Torq-Cut 22 is a smaller CNC vertical machining center. It comes fitted with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,500 rpm.
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Nakamura-Tome TMC-15 Spindle Repair
The Nakamura-Tome TMC-15 is a CNC turning center capable of running up to 4500 RPM. The spindle is grease bearing lubrication and belt driven.
This Nakamura-Tome TMC-15 Spindle Repair came to us complete with the cast housing and the hydraulic collet actuator. Upon ispection of the spindle it was found that every assembly bolt was only finger-tight, the spindle was full of coolant, and the bearing grease was washed out. We tested the collet actuator, which functioned properly, but unfortunately it was missing several o-rings which contributed to the contamination of the spindle. Our dimensional inspection established that the lathe taper OD & face had excessive runout, and that the front housing ID was oversized by 5 times ISO.
We recommended green grinding, hard chromium plating & finish grinding the lathe taper and the housing ID, but our customer declined the latter. So we performed the G/P/G of the lathe taper and kiss ground the face, but we did not address the housing ID. Once the approved dimensional work was completed on our Kellenberger universal cylindrical grinder, we proceeded to replace the bearings, pulley nut, o-rings & bolts. When final assembly was complete, we ran the spindle to break in the new bearing grease while checking the vibration & heat signature. Once we balanced the spindle, we were ready to ship it back to our customer.
This spindle passed our final quality inspection before being returned to our customer with a 1-year warranty. With any luck, they will get another 20 years use out of it!!
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Repair History - Here are examples of similar spindle repairs that may contain additional information that will help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
OD grinding — or outside diameter grinding — is a cornerstone of precision manufacturing, where exact specifications and flawless surface finishes are essential.
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