The Bridgeport Torq-Cut 22 is a smaller CNC vertical machining center. It comes fitted with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,500 rpm.
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Doosan Puma MC Spindle Repair
This customer called saying that their 2 year old spindle is making chatter on the part. They said it sounds ok running with no load but makes noise during a cut. They sent the Doosan Puma spindle to us to be evaluated. We determined that the front bearings were worn. We proceeded with our standard Daewoo spindle repair after we received approval from the customer. This spindle was shipped back to the customer with our standard warranty.
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More Case Studies
Repair History - Here are examples of similar spindle repairs that may contain additional information that will help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
Daewoo DMV 500 Spindle Repair
Our customer sent in this spindle letting us know that a failure of the spindle chiller unit had led to the spindle becoming noisy and… [...]
Daewoo Mynx 500 Spindle Repair
When this Daewoo Mynx 500 arrive at Northland Tool and Electronics, the first thing we noted was that the spindle was covered in coolant residue. … [...]
Doosan Ace-HP4000 BIG PLUS Spindle Repair
8,000 rpm 40 Taper Spindle had 25 microns of run out in the taper and was contaminated with coolant causing the bearings to fail. Our evaluation determined that coolant was entering the spin [...]
Doosan Mynex 540
50 Taper The bearings of this spindle were loud during operation. They had reached the end of their life. The taper had 12 microns of run out. We were able to kiss grind the taper to eliminate [...]
Daewoo Puma 2500SY Spindle Repair
When this Daewoo Puma 2500SY spindle arrived at Northland Tool and Electronics it was fully disassembled and evaluated. Upon inspection we found that the bearings… [...]
Daewoo MX2500ST Spindle Repair
This Daewoo MX2500ST spindle was sent to Northland Tool and Electronics for a complete rebuild. Upon disassembly and inspection we noted that the front bearings… [...]
Daewoo DMV 4020L Spindle Repair
This Daewoo DMV 4020L spindle was sent in to Northland Tool and Electronics for a breakdown and evaluation. Upon inspection, we noted that the interior… [...]
Daewoo DHP 5000 Spindle Repair
When this Daewoo DHP 5000 spindle arrived at Northland Tool and Electronics we disassembled it and performed a full evaluation on it. Upon inspection, we… [...]
Daewoo L200A Spindle Repair
Spindle was seized incoming, bearings contaminated with coolant sludge, front cover drain was clogged. Pulley journal is fretted & has two undersized bands -37/-45µ, pulley… [...]
Daewoo DMV 400 Spindle Repair
Our customer stated this Daewoo DMV 400 spindle was creating heat and causing machine faults. We test ran the spindle incoming and the bearings were… [...]
Doosan Puma 2500 LSY Spindle Repair
Doosan Puma 2500 LSY Spindle Rebuild Our customer sent us this spindle for repair because it had been crashed about a year prior and was making noise. It also developed a “flat spot” that you cou [...]
Daewoo Puma-350A Spindle Repair
Our customer sent in this Daewoo Puma-350A spindle because of noisy bearings that were continuously getting louder. Upon disassembly, we found that the bearing grease… [...]
OD grinding — or outside diameter grinding — is a cornerstone of precision manufacturing, where exact specifications and flawless surface finishes are essential.
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