The Bridgeport Torq-Cut 22 is a smaller CNC vertical machining center. It comes fitted with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,500 rpm.
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Pope F88-5388 Spindle Repair
This Pope F88-5388 spindle needed fresh bearings and kiss grinds to both tapers to bring it back to optimum performance levels. We were able to repair this spindle in less than two days for our customer because we have our on site grinding department with two Kellenburger ID/OD grinders. We do not grind spindles in assembly like a lot of our competition. That is a sure sign of poor workmanship being hidden by poor repair practices.
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More Case Studies
Repair History - Here are examples of similar spindle repairs that may contain additional information that will help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
Pope P32 Spindle Repair
This Pope P32 grinding spindle was sent in for us to completely break down and inspect. After fully disassembling the spindle, we noted that the… [...]
Pope P-924-GA Spindle Repair
The Pope P-924-GA spindle is a lower speed grinding spindle. It is grease lubricated and capable of running up to 3,600 rpm. This type of spindle can be used to manufacture broaches, drill bits, t [...]
Pope P922 AA Spindle Repair
The front roller bearing in this Pope P922 AA is an old design Pope special, and quality exact replacement bearings are unavailable. Upon inspection of… [...]
Pope CT2B Spindle Repair
This Pope CT2B spindle arrived at Northland Tool and Electronics for a full breakdown and evaluation. Upon inspection we noted that the bearings were very… [...]
Pope A 1935 Spindle Repair
This Pope A 1935 arrived to our facility in pretty rough shape. Below is a list of what we found upon fully breaking down and… [...]
Kuraki KH-80 Spindle Repair
When this Kuraki KH-80 spindle arrived at Northland Tool and Electronics we completed a breakdown and evaluation of the spindle. Upon inspection we noted that… [...]
Hardinge Talent 8/52 Spindle Repair
This Hardinge Talent 8/52 spindle arrive to Northland Tool and Electronics completely seized and the drive pulley had been removed from the spindle shaft. After… [...]
GMN TSEV-100SDU Spindle Repair
This GMN TSEV-100SDU spindle arrived at Northland Tool and Electronics where we completed a full breakdown and evaluation. Upon disassembling the spindle, we found that… [...]
Brown & Sharpe #13 Spindle Repair
Our customer sent this Brown & Sharpe #13 spindle in stating the threads in the pilot were damaged. The OD taper tool did have damaged… [...]
Bridgeport VMC 800 Spindle Repair
When this Bridgeport VMC 800 spindle arrived at Northland Tool and Electronics, the first thing we noted was that the front and rear housing cover… [...]
OD grinding — or outside diameter grinding — is a cornerstone of precision manufacturing, where exact specifications and flawless surface finishes are essential.
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