The Bridgeport Torq-Cut 22 is a smaller CNC vertical machining center. It comes fitted with a grease lubricated and belt driven spindle capable of running up to 7,500 rpm.
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Hardinge VMC 1500XP3 Spindle Repair
The Hardinge VMC 1500XP3 is a CNC vertical machining center. This machine comes equipped with a grease lubricated and pulley driven spindle capable of running up to 8,000 rpm.
This Hardinge VMC 1500XP3 spindle arrived completely disassembled, but it was readily apparent that a leaking rotary union had allowed coolant contamination to penetrate the entire spindle interior. Not only were the rear cover and drive pulley heavily corroded, but the grease was mostly washed out of the rear roller bearing and the front quad set of angular contact bearings, plus the drawbar assembly was full of sticky coolant residue as well. When we tested the tool retention force, it was 1300 lbs compared to a minimum spec of 1900 lbs. The light wear we observed on the gripper (collet) fingers may have contributed to this. We also measured runout of 30-40µ runout at the end of a 9” test bar.
To alleviate the excessive runout, we performed a kiss grind of the tooling taper in-house on one of our Kellenberger grinding machines. We then reassembled the spindle with all new bearings, Bellevilles, o-rings & assembly screws. Our customer opted not to have us install new grippers because they already had a set in good condition left over from a previously-replaced drawbar assembly.
After reassembly of all components, adjusting bearing preload, and undergoing break-in and testing procedures, this spindle passed our final quality inspection before being returned to our customer with a 1-year warranty.
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Repair History - Here are examples of similar spindle repairs that may contain additional information that will help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us.
OD grinding — or outside diameter grinding — is a cornerstone of precision manufacturing, where exact specifications and flawless surface finishes are essential.
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